Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I read this in an email... It's about praising God no matter what the circumstance. This helped me to remember the many blessings from God..Hope it helps you too!

The title of Psalm 100 tells us that it is penned to encourage us to give thanks to the LORD. Even though the author is not mentioned, it follows King David’s style! He is one who outshines all others with his heartfelt love for God, reverence for who He is and gratitude for all that the LORD GOD had done for him.
Do you have a problem not knowing how to praise God and thank Him? Learn from Psalm 100 the many reasons for giving thanks to God and praising Him. 1) It is God who made us. 2) We are His. 3) We are His people. 4)We are ‘the sheep’ of his pasture. 5)The LORD is good. 6) His love endures forever. 7) His faithfulness continues through all generations.

Turn for a moment to another psalm of David, Psalm 103. Here he calls to his own soul and says, “Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.” Then he gives a number of solid reasons why his soul should praise the LORD: 1) For all His benefits. 2) Forgiving all his sins. 3) Healing all his diseases 4) Redeeming his life from the pit - death 5) Crowning him with love and compassion. 6) Satisfying his desires with good things. 7) Renewing his youth like the eagle's.

These are only the beginning of recounting the reasons to thank and praise the LORD. Read on and you will find some of the greatest and the most intimate reasons for endless praise and worship in gratitude to the LORD. Listen to the most tender reason for any one of us to Bless the LORD, which I love most and often quote - “for as a father has compassion on his children so the LORD has compassion on us!”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its so cool @.@