Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What is life without God and dance?

Once again... I'm feeling miserable without dance in my life.

I miss dancing so much.. After having a great experience doing a real musical at church for Christmas, i feel empty. =(

I'm filled with God's love but i still miss dance a lot.
When will I get to dance again?
I wish we could just drop everything we are doing- college, work, school, whatever and just DANCE
Won't that be great?!

But I know God has great plans for us to do something for Him.
And at the end the reward will be far greater than an
ything in the world.
"Seek first the Kingdom of heaven and all these things will be added to you."
God knows my heart. He knows my every desire and my needs, but I must first obey and continue walking in Him. I don't have to worry about the future for He holds it in His hands.

Oh well, back to dancing when no one's around and wait for the time to come =)

Best performance I ever had =D