I have decided not to listen to all those negative stuff people say.
This is what I want and what God has lead me to.
You have no right to tell me not to do something i really want.
I know they are concerned for me but they shouldn't discourage me.
I think I'm ready to face this challenge with God supporting and strengthening me all the way.
Alright, all I can think of now is being in Australia in 32 hours time! hehehee..
I have been looking forward for a real holiday for so long. And it's finally here!!!
And i finally got my new shoes!! Though it's not high top(or hight cut? whatever), but i still love it! =)
Gonna get a really nice high top shoes when i have the money and when i can find a nice one that has size.
Everywhere i go, there's no size. sigh
The right one will come!
This probably has a double meaning... XD
Oh, and I'm gonna be sure to take loads of photos during the trip.
Don't really have a habit of taking pictures.
But now with the 4gb memory card fixed, I can take more photos!
Cant wait ! =D
But now, it's time to say GOODNIGHT!